Kids Can Save The Planet
Changing the world, one kid at a time…


There is one issue that unites us all, no matter what part of the world you live in. It's climate change. In "Tipping Point", we explore the ways that humans have impacted the Earth. What is climate change? What is being done about it? And what can you do to help? It's a multi-faceted look at the issues - from a kid's perspective! We even explore how cows can change the weather! Join us on this epic journey through an issue that is of grave importance to your generation, and future generations.

Featured content includes the Woods Hold Research Center, politicians from across the country, the Alliance For Climate Education, O'Neill Sea Odyssey, The Climate Reality Leadership Corp, and more!

Showcases our planet's next generation of change-makers -- kids who are inspiring hope by making a positive difference all over the world. This inspiring film is recommended for ages 10 to 110!
Woods Hole Research Center

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